Transforma tu cuerpo y mente hoy

Control de peso y medicina estética personalizada para ti.

Control de peso

Mejora tu figura con planes personalizados.

Rejuvenece y mejora tu apariencia de la manos de nuestros expertos.

Consiéntete con nosotros

Medicina Estética

Pierde peso de forma segura de la mano de expertos

Control de peso y medicina estética personalizada para ti.

Sin rebote

Baje de forma sostenida

Te va a encantar nuestro plan de alimentación

Somos expertos en dieta cetogénica

Dietas deliciosas
Expertos en Keto

Baja 6 a 8Kg por mes

Dietas deliciosas!

Tratamientos de rejuvenecimiento facial

Células madre

Mejora tu apariencia


You didn’t come this far to stop


You didn’t come this far to stop


Masajes descontracturantes

Masajes relajantes

Disfruta de un rico masaje, relajate con nosotros!


Moldea tu cuerpo con nuestra tecnología


Dile adiós a todas las impurezas

Tecnología de última generación

Contamos con lo último en tecnología para mejorar tu salud y apariencia.

Bienvenidos a Aesthetic Center

En nuestra clínica, ofrecemos control de peso, medicina estética y tratamientos avanzados para el antienvejecimiento, con planes personalizados y un equipo de expertos a su disposición.

white and brown ceramic figurine
white and brown ceramic figurine
Excelente atención y resultados visibles.

María López


Nuestros Servicios

Ofrecemos tratamientos de control de peso, medicina estética y antienvejecimiento personalizados para ti.

Planes Personalizados

Desarrollamos planes de dieta adaptados a tus necesidades, guiados por médicos y nutriologas expertos.

a woman is holding a plate of food
a woman is holding a plate of food
Tratamientos Avanzados

Contamos con lo último en tecnología para tratamientos faciales, corporales y láser, incluyendo botox y rellenos.

Disfruta de un spa exclusivo con tratamientos diseñados para rejuvenecer tu piel y mejorar tu bienestar.

Spa Exclusivo
woman with teal hospital head gown
woman with teal hospital head gown
a woman laying on top of a bed holding a hair dryer
a woman laying on top of a bed holding a hair dryer
A beauty technician carefully performs a skincare procedure on a woman, who is lying down with her hair pulled back and face covered in a transparent mask. The technician is wearing gloves and holding a precision tool, working under a bright ring light.
A beauty technician carefully performs a skincare procedure on a woman, who is lying down with her hair pulled back and face covered in a transparent mask. The technician is wearing gloves and holding a precision tool, working under a bright ring light.


Descubre nuestros tratamientos de estética y bienestar en imágenes.

A bottle of vitamin C whitening product is positioned on a peach-colored, silky fabric backdrop. The label on the bottle indicates it contains stem cell ingredients for skin rejuvenation.
A bottle of vitamin C whitening product is positioned on a peach-colored, silky fabric backdrop. The label on the bottle indicates it contains stem cell ingredients for skin rejuvenation.
Three flat, rectangular packages are arranged on a white surface. Two of the packages are labeled 'GLUTATHIONE 600 ampoule mask' and are silver with black and red text. The middle package is labeled 'Bor-Tox ampoule mask' and is black with white text. The Bor-Tox package features a graphic of a facial mask and mentions skin elasticity and wrinkle care.
Three flat, rectangular packages are arranged on a white surface. Two of the packages are labeled 'GLUTATHIONE 600 ampoule mask' and are silver with black and red text. The middle package is labeled 'Bor-Tox ampoule mask' and is black with white text. The Bor-Tox package features a graphic of a facial mask and mentions skin elasticity and wrinkle care.
A bottle labeled 'Stem Cell Vitamin C Whitening' is placed on a piece of burlap fabric. Beside it lies a syringe, and some green leaves are placed above the bottle, creating a natural and organic feel. The background is a soft peach color.
A bottle labeled 'Stem Cell Vitamin C Whitening' is placed on a piece of burlap fabric. Beside it lies a syringe, and some green leaves are placed above the bottle, creating a natural and organic feel. The background is a soft peach color.

¡Increíble experiencia! Los tratamientos de estética y los planes de dieta personalizados han transformado mi vida. El personal es muy profesional y amable. ¡Recomendado al 100%!

María López

A skincare product labeled 'Beauty Counter' placed in a scalloped white dish, sitting on top of a glossy magazine with fashion imagery. Accompanying accessories include a curved gold chain and large hoop earrings, all set against a white, furry background.
A skincare product labeled 'Beauty Counter' placed in a scalloped white dish, sitting on top of a glossy magazine with fashion imagery. Accompanying accessories include a curved gold chain and large hoop earrings, all set against a white, furry background.
